



3.life是不可数名词,为什么还有复数形式、 作为生活讲时是可数名词还是不可数名词



       life:不可数1.(泛指)生命;生物 How did life begin?

        2.(泛指)生活;人生;世事; one's way of life

        3.活力;生气;活动:There was no sign of life in the

        empty house.这幢空房子不见有人住的迹象.

        可数 pl.lives

        1.性命;人命:Many people lost there lives in the

        traffic accidents./

        give one's life for one's country为国捐躯

        2.一生;终生;(描述一生的)传记;spend one's life

        in idleness一生无所事事(虚度年华)

        [常用单](某种方式的)生活;寿命:live a hard(happy) life

        过着艰难的(幸福的)生活/These carpets have a

        long life.这些地毯使用寿命长.

       部分搭配;all one's life一辈子

        bring to life 使苏醒

        come (back) to life苏醒过来;恢复生气

        for life终身;一辈子:be crippled for life腿脚终身残疾

        in life 一生中

        to the life惟妙惟肖;生动逼真

        life assurance=life insurance人寿保险

        life story传记

        lifetime n.[单]终身;一生a lifetime job毕生的工作



       Life / lives的可数与不可数归纳总结



        the ability of breathe, and grow which people and animals have before they

       die. E.g:

        1) ife and death


        2) The body was cold and showed no signs of life.


        3)I wish I could bring him back to life.


        4)In spring the countryside bursts into life.


       5)Animals and plants have life.


       6)The International Stock Exchange stared life as a London coffee shop.




       living things. E.g:


        2)pond life


        3)Is there any intelligent life on other planets?



        the punishment of being sent to prison for life. E.g:

        1) The judge gave him life.



        experience, activities.

        1) the worries of everyday life


        2) He is young and has little experience of life.


        3) He wants to travel and see life for himself.


        4) We bought a dishwasher to make life easier.


        5) In real life, he wasn

       t how she had imagined him at all.



        6)real life; everyday life.



        energy, excitement, the quality of being active and exciting.

        1)We need to inject some new life into this project.


        2)The school is full of life.


        3)The children were jumping about and full of life.


        4)a face that is full of life.



       a living model or a real object or scene that people draw

       or paint.

        1) She had courses in drawing from life.


       2)We had a life class yesterday.




       ( used with an adjective)


        1)They led a hard life.



       He leads a happy life in the country.



       I'll bet my life.






        4)lead a dog's life


        5)lead sb. a dog's life


        6)The hero saved many people's lives.


        7)devote one's whole life to the study of science


       8)He was fighting for his political life.




       1) the useful life of a car.


        2) They realized that the company had a limited life ( it was going to close).



       In France the average life of a government is eleven months.


       3、个人生活经历(同上1 可数名词)

        1)He has a full social life.


        2)He has a good life.


        3)They immigrated to start a new life in America.


       4)Most of these children have led very sheltered lives.



        a story of sb

       ’s life

       1) She wrote a life of Deng Xiaoping.



        He has lost two lives, so he has only got one left.




        1)He risked his life to save his daughter from the fire.


       2)The floods caused a massive loss of life.


        2、 一生、终身、寿命、一生中的部分时间

       1)He lived here all his life.

        2)I have lived in China for most of my life.

        3)To have a long life


        1)come to life


        2)raise to life


        3)recall to life


       4)lose one's life

       丧命; 死

        5)put life into sth.

       用全部精力做某事; 使某事充满活力或生机

       6)put some life into sth.[口]


        7)put more life into sth.[口]


        8)risk one's life

       拼着性命, 冒生命危险

        9)save one's life

       10)take life


        11)take one's own life


        12)take sb.'s life

       把某人杀死; 夺去某人生命

       13)While there is life there is hope. [谚]

       留得青山在, 不怕没柴烧。

       14)life for life


       15)Life is but a span.

       人生几何; 人生如朝露。

        16)Life is made up of little things.[谚]


       17)be one’s life

       对某人来说是至关重要的人或事: My children are my life.

        18)Bring sb/sth to life


        19)Come to life


        20)For dear life, for your life


       Run for your life.


       21)For the life of you/me


        22)give one's life

       献出自己的生命, 为..捐躯

        23)lay down one's life

       献出自己的生命, 为...捐躯






life 作为生活讲时是可数名词还是不可数名词

       life泛指“生命”时是不可数名词;泛指“性命”时是可数名词;泛指“生活”时是不可数名词,其前不加冠词,但指某种有比较具体内容的“生活”“生活方式”时则是可数名词。for?life的意思是“一辈子,一生”,当所指的人为复数时,也可以用复数形式for lives。

       life ?

       英 [la?f] ? 美 [la?f] ?

       n. ?生活,生计; 生命,性命; 一生,寿命; 人生,尘世;

       变形 复数: lives


       1. No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there's always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises. ?


       2. If you love life, life will love you back. ?


       3. When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing. ?


       4. The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life. ?


       5. If you're not satisfied with the life you're living, don't just complain. Do something about it.?


       6. A journalist all his life, he's now brought out a book. ?



       如: What a life they had! 他们过着什么样的生活啊!

       He leads a happy life in the country. 他在乡村过着幸福的生活。



       They lacked the basic necessities of life. 他们缺乏生活的基本必需品。

       Do you like life in the country better than town life? 你对农村生活比对城市生活还喜欢吗?

       1、 表示“生命”时,若表示泛指意义或抽象意义,为不可数名词。


       Stones don’t have life. 石头没有生命。

       How did life begin? 生命是怎样开始的?

       At last he knew the meaning of life. 他最后了解了生命的意义。



       One careless step may cost a life. 一步不小心可能会丧命。

       Several lives were lost in the accident. 这次事故中有好几个人丧生。

       2、 表示“一生”“一辈子”时,通常为可数名词。


       She led a long and happy life. 她度过了长寿幸福的一生。

       3、 泛指“人生”时为不可数名词。


       What was his aim in life? 他人生的目的是什么?

       Life is a continual struggle. 人生就是不断的斗争。



       He has written a new life of Newton. 他写了一本新的牛顿传。

       4、 表示“生气”“活力”等,通常为不可数名词.


       Children were full of life this morning. 孩子们今天早晨充满活力。

       There were signs of life in the forest as the sun rose.

